How to Effectively Engage Others

Capture and retain the attention.

Alan Sepulveda
Better Advice


Whether you need to get a message across through writing or verbally. Successfully transmitting ideas, thoughts, or a call to action relies heavily on the engagement. Crafting the art of influence and appeal to emotion will reap benefits in every aspect of your life. We are always trying to convince others and persuade through communication why we're the best fit. Whether it be selling your product or service, selling yourself at a job interview, or subtly demonstrating to another person they should want to spend the rest of their life with you.

Fortunately for you and me, there's a specific cocktail on how to make your presence felt through immediate connection. The most important thing to note and have in mind when creating any piece of content or building rapport is the more you can appeal to emotion and establish a proper humane connection, the better the response and engagement.

Here are four concrete methods to capture and retain emotional engagement.

It's not about you

The very first thing others will notice or intend to decipher about you, your intentions. It's vital to shift your priorities and mind-frame from taking into giving. No one likes to feel sold. People don’t care how amazing you or your product are. What they want to hear is how it will solve their specific problem or benefit them.

“People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch…



Alan Sepulveda
Better Advice

—A shaken not stirred cocktail of entrepreneur and writer.