How To Get Ahead of 99% of People In 12 Months That No One Talks About.
It’s harder to be average than to be extraordinary.
By definition, being average is more competitive.
It’s where the majority of the population lives.
- You compete for the same mediocre jobs.
- You compete for the same raises that don’t match inflation.
- You compete for the same status signals — biggest house, newest car, latest iPhone.
The average is safe. Uncertainty is controlled. Risk is eliminated. While comfortable, nothing meaningful grows in this environment.
But with a few simple changes in habits and mindsets, you can join the top 1% of high-value people.
“Bigger Goals = Less Competition” — Tim Ferriss.
#1: The Biggest Challenge About Getting Ahead.
Starting small enough.
Starting small is not about setting low expectations.
It’s about building momentum.
When you have a big goal, small wins are the tinder (not swipey-swipe dating app) that sparks the forest fire that engulfs everything in its path.