How to Invest in Yourself to Get the Best Out of You

5 legit ways to invest in yourself for great long-term returns.

Ankit Das
Better Advice


Photo by Josh Sorenson from Pexels

Investing in “material” things is risky, we all might be familiar with the bursting of the housing bubble and the stock market crash, new technologies can rise and shine like anything as if there’s no tomorrow and can crash in a matter of weeks.

If you aren’t familiar with technology rising and crashing case, you must definitely check out the Dot-com bubble case.

That’s the nature of “material” investing.

But one investment that you can make and can guarantee no crash, is in yourself. No one can take it away from you. It doesn’t matter what happens around the world, your investment in yourself will definitely pay you back.

Listen to any great personality and you will understand what I mean. We often talk about investing in stocks, gold, real estate, etc, but seldom do we talk about investing in ourselves. Do you know what was Warren Buffett’s greatest investment? No, it wasn’t in Coca-Cola or Washington Post; it was the communication skill.

We often talk about investing in stocks, gold, real estate, etc, but seldom do we talk about investing in ourselves.

“There is no more profitable…



Ankit Das
Better Advice

An engineer, a consistent learner, and full of enthusiasm. Writes about self-improvement, fitness, and sometimes money.