Persuasive Communication Tips To Help You Communicate Better With Anyone.

How to use your words to sell yourself.

Leah Njoki
Better Advice


Photo by Jopwell from Pexels

Earlier in my career, my manager Allan and I were having a casual conversation in his office. After about 15 minutes, as I excused myself to leave, he casually joked,

“Ok, slave, go and do some work.”

I stared at him without uttering a word. The penny dropped. He realized the dreadful implications of his careless distasteful words. (He is White. I’m Black.) His face became a strange mix of shock and embarrassment.

Even after a string of profuse apologies later, you couldn’t help but sense the palpable tension in our interaction for the rest of the day. Scenarios like this happen all the time. People make insensitive remarks, stupid clichés, inappropriate laughs, and overzealous reactions, costing them a great deal.

Your communication skills matter more than any other skill.

85% of your financial success is due to your personality and ability to communicate, negotiate and lead.

Communication can make or break. Bad communicators have started wars and brought down nations. Friendships and…



Leah Njoki
Better Advice

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