I Am A Womaniser — Meet Moist

Inspired by Marilyn Glover

Robert Ralph
Better Advice


Me and my son on Holiday in Spain in 2013. Image by author


Inspired by an article I read today by the incredible Marilyn Glover, I wanted to let you into a part of my life when I became a dad and give an overview of how that developed.

Back in the day, I would consider myself a complete womaniser. At the time, I could choose who I slept with, and the women in my life just accepted it for what it was.

The Womaniser

Wrong, I know, but that was my life; I had a code word if a girl asked me out and said, "can I meet moist" what they were asking was ", can I sleep with you" I don't know how it started but went on for around three to four years.

I had zero standards and did not turn one person down; as you can imagine, wrongly, in my opinion now, I became a cult hero in my area, the men wanted to be me, and the girls wanted to sleep with me.

My basic instinct was that you only live once; I may never get this opportunity again, so let's go for it; what is the worse that…



Robert Ralph
Better Advice

I am a freelance, top eight writer, and content creator. Connect with me here to receive my free content: https://medium.com/subscribe/@robertralph