If You Want To Succeed, Don’t Have The Mentality of A Crab

Don’t let others hold you back

Tom Stevenson
Better Advice


Photo by Raphael Bick on Unsplash

I know what your thinking. What the hell has the mentality of a crab got to do with being successful? You’re right to be sceptical.

On the face of it, there is no correlation between the two. I mean, we’re humans. We’ve sent people to the moon, developed devices that can call someone on the other side of the planet and invented pasta. How can a crab compete with that?

They can’t of course. But that doesn’t mean we can’t learn something from them. We might be the dominant species on the planet, but we have to remain humble enough to learn from others. Even if they are crustaceans!

You see, there is one phenomenon involving crabs that applies to us. More than you might believe. In this regard, we’re not unlike the humble crab at all!

The funny thing about this phenomenon? It involves crabs in a bucket!

No seriously. This article is about what we can learn from crabs when more than fifty of the pinchy fellas are kept in a bucket together.

Nature and psychology is wild!

Crabs in a bucket

When you stick a large number of crabs in a bucket something strange happens. The crabs are…

