Lessons Every Parent Should Learn From A 9-Year-Old Kid that Was Unsupervised, Left Alone, And Forced To Fend Himself

So powerful you’ll want your children to someday read this too

Rick Martinez
Better Advice


I couldn’t even think about cooking, let alone eating, until I wiped those gross boogers off his face.

Of course, I’m talking about my little brother.

We were pretty young and home alone after school. In today’s climate, we’d probably be scooped up by some governmental body and placed in “a home” simply because my parents wanted a better life for us.

You see, we grew up as latchkey kids.

I had to get myself off the bus, make dinner, do my homework, and then take care of myself until my parents got home after work each night.

Oh yeah, and then do it all over again for my booger-laden little brother.

For context’s sake, the period was the mid to late 1970s, when kids still played outside till dark. We’d walk up to ice cream trucks and buy frozen goodness without fear of ending up on the side of a milk carton. So don’t go calling Child Protective Services or anything. This was back in the day.



Rick Martinez
Better Advice

My journey began on food stamps • I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy • Former CEO turned ghostwriter