Naval Ravikant: 21 Staggering Insights About Wealth and Happiness from a Global Thought Leader

Matt Karamazov
Better Advice
Published in
21 min readFeb 7, 2022


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Being rich and happy are learnable skills. As in certain propositions in physics, starting conditions are very important, but one of the greatest lessons you’ll learn from reading books like this one is that where you start off doesn’t have to be where you end up.

If there’s a skill you lack, you can learn it; if there’s a big scary problem looming over you, you can overcome it; if you want more out of life, you can have it.

But, there are traps along the way. These traps can take the form of pessimism and self-defeating behaviors; or the creeping expansion of desire; bad advice from well-meaning people; and a lot more that The Almanack of Naval Ravikant can help you avoid.

Naval is the founder of AngelList, a website that allows startups to raise money from angel investors free of charge, and he’s had over 70 successful exits himself, after investing in companies like Uber and Twitter before almost anyone else.

He’s become somewhat of an entrepreneurship/start-up culture icon, and this book is a collection of his greatest wisdom distilled from a decade of podcast appearances and thousands of tweets. After a lifetime of study and application of philosophy, economics, and wealth-creation, Naval has proven the…



Matt Karamazov
Better Advice

🥇 The Most Disciplined Man on the Planet 📚 Read 1,302 Books in Just 10 Years 💪🏻 Strong Believer in Human Potential ⤵️