Never Underestimate The Power Of Repetition

You can either make it work for you or against you

Benny Lim
Better Advice


When I was playing football (or soccer for my American readers) semi-professionally back in school, the thing I hated the most during the training sessions was when my coach made us all run four laps around the running track. I found it boring, time-wasting and energy-consuming.

I always tried to skip the track running and get straight to the other drills — the shooting, passing, running through tactical plays, etc. because that’s where I’m with the football 100% of the time.

The running around the track? Nothing to do with football.

Or so I thought.

While I thought the running had nothing to do with football, it, in fact, had everything to do with football. You see, my coach saw that fitness should be the foundation of our team. He wanted his players to have the fitness levels of professionals, the stamina of marathon runners.

Although running had no contact with the ball whatsoever, the act of running itself helped us to build unrivalled stamina and fitness levels back then.

As players, we didn’t see it — I definitely didn’t — but my coach and his team of coaches did. They knew that over the course of 90 minutes, the players with the…



Benny Lim
Better Advice

Medium writer since 2019, writing my way to a better life, and helping you lead a better life, one article at a time.