Second Chance’s Will Never Go Out of Style. Be Willing to Give Them Out

Maddie McGuire
Better Advice
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2021


Photo by Trinity Kubassek from Pexels

I used to be one of those annoying people who said sorry 80 times a day. About 73 times too many.

The people-pleaser in me was always eager to hand out hoards of sorry’s. You could be dangerously texting and walking and plow face-first into me. I would profusely apologize as I helped you up and made sure you were safe, while blood poured from my knees.

To go along with my sorry’s I also handed out second chances like Halloween candy. And sometimes third and fourth chances that debatably should’ve never been given.

However, it’s my belief that everyone deserves a second chance. You can award that opportunity to someone while still staying guarded and shield yourself with some protection. Or you can hold out your open arms for them to fall into.

There are certain acts someone commits to cause you pain. They rightfully earn your distrust. And I guarantee by the time they crossed your final threshold, you had already given them the benefit of the doubt, looked the other way, or accepted their unacceptable behavior or time or two.

A second chance is not choosing to look the other way or pretending the pain didn’t occur. A second chance is believing that a human is capable of a transformation. They are not standing in front of…



Maddie McGuire
Better Advice

Certified coach, writer, and voice-over artist. Boxed wine aficionado. Email list: