Self-Forgiveness For Most People Is Harder Than To Forgive Others

Forgiving yourself is one of the most underestimated principles.

Laine Kaleja
Better Advice


Photo by Karl Magnuson on Unsplash.

Have you ever been judging yourself continuously about a particular mistake or a failure to do something?

If yes, you know the choking feeling it brings when you play out different scenarios in your mind about how things would have been if you did do or didn’t do something.

A lot has been talked about the necessity to forgive others but forgiving yourself seems to be an underestimated principle. Yet, it is so vital to living a life free from anxiety and shame.

Self-love and acceptance are big topics these days, yet, I feel that many people still don’t pay enough attention to those. I see a lot of people neglecting self-love and self-forgiveness. I used to do that a lot as well. That is why these topics as so precious to me.

Many people are often trying to solve relationship, professional, and personal issues solely by focusing on external factors. Yet, when we learn to love and forgive ourselves, it will shift our perspectives and mindsets, enabling us to make far more significant changes.

The Harmful Results Of Unforgiveness (Towards Ourselves)



Laine Kaleja
Better Advice

Life Coach & Somatic Therapist ✨ IG: @heal.with.laine