Stop Being a Toxic Parent

10 signs you might be one and how to fix it.

Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez
Better Advice


Photo Canva, Artwork the author

As parents, sometimes we make mistakes raising our children. Although our impulse is to do a good job and raise healthy and responsible adults, we screw things and end hurting them, causing feelings of guilt, fear, resentment, or even hate.

Unfortunately, these reactions don’t suddenly appear; they embed in the child’s head by experiencing constant microaggressions from their parents. You think a little joke or harsh comment about how they look won’t hurt, or a little dose of tough love will help them grow.

But as the water pierces a rock drop by drop, our actions might damage our kids. You might think you are not a toxic parent, but first, consider how your children feel after spending time or talking with you?

Are they glad, leaving smiling, and feeling good, or do they seem worse than before with their body tensed and even afraid to talk? Maybe you notice they take a long time to answer when you call or send you to voice mail?

Let’s face it; if this happens, you are a toxic parent. You don’t like to think of yourself as one, and when someone tells you’re toxic, you instantly deny it, arguing why you think they are wrong.



Jose Luis Ontanon Nunez
Better Advice

Industrial Designer & Communication Coach. Dyslexia, History, & Trivia Writer. Father/Pet Lover — Top 1000 Writer, also on #Books, #Movies, #Reading & #Writing