Stop Shaming Smart Folks

It's a shame when a smart person has to act small to fit in

Kimberly Fosu
Better Advice



“You don’t want your readers to think you are comparing yourself to Albert Einstein. You don’t want them to think you are saying you are smart,” an editor said to me.

But what is wrong with wanting to be as smart as Einstein?

Smart People Shouldn't Be Shamed

This is a problem in the world where intelligent people are being asked to not sound too intelligent or people will be intimidated.

Intellectuals in classrooms are mocked and ridiculed for knowing the correct answer and so they are labeled as ‘nerds.’ They are asked not to show how smart they really or others will be uncomfortable.

They have to do that to fit in and be liked. They are asked not to boast of their strengths or show off their skills because people will not like that. And that is not cool!

What are affirmations? Smart. Strong. Wise. Happy.

“I am strong. I am powerful. I am smart. I can do anything!”

I say affirmations with my daughter. What is the point of teaching little children to believe they are smart and powerful, and then turn around and tell them not to act too smart?



Kimberly Fosu
Better Advice

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now.