Success, Fitness, Mindfulness… Here’s Why You’re Not Reaching Your Goals

You’re not focusing on the right thing.

Alix A.
Better Advice


Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash

Success, weight loss, money, mindfulness, fame… The list is endless. We spend a significant amount of our time pursuing the things we think our happiness lies behind.

Besides being incorrect — our happiness lies within us, not in external circumstances — know one thing: you’ll probably NEVER achieve most of these goals. You’ll just keep running on and on (in the wrong direction), generating frustration and a whole bunch of other negative emotions. And that’s until you change your focus toward another goal, just to repeat the same mistake.

Why? Because you’re not focusing on the right thing. You are chasing the outcome, instead of focusing on the ingredients.

We’re doing it all wrong

We want to be more muscular so we work out. We want to make money so we accept a job that we hate but that seemingly pays well. We think about everything backward.

We see the collateral effects as goals in themselves.

Professional athletes didn’t think, “I want to be muscular, so I’ll take up basketball or tennis.” They did it for the love of their sport. And their physical condition came naturally, as a…



Alix A.
Better Advice

I write about feeling good in one's body and mind.