The 10 Skills You Must Learn Before You Die

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” — Confucius

Chris Wojcik
Better Advice


Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash

Most people never recognize their own mortality until it’s too late.

They don’t realize that their time on earth is limited until they’re forced to face that fact head-on. People say they understand that they won’t live forever (usually as an excuse to justify another cocktail or cookie), but most of us still live like we’re coming back for a second chance.

But as far as we know, there are no second chances. You have one shot to get this “life” thing right.

That said, here are ten of what I think are the important skills required to master to live a fulfilling life.

1. Expressing your emotions.

I used to hide all of my emotions from everyone.

Until I was about 22, I had the emotional intelligence of a potato chip.

Eventually, however, through therapy, meditation, journaling, and a bunch of other self-examining habits, I learned to “let go” of my perceptions of external judgments and to allow myself not only to feel things but to show my feelings. As a guy who competes at a high level in a sport that prides itself on toughness and statue-like…

