The Biggest Mistake Medium Writers Make

And it’s a Self-Inflicted Wound

Britni Pepper
Better Advice


Mountain boot. (Image by NightCafé)

Imagine that you have made your way to the top of Mount Everest, just about to step onto the summit, take that ultimate selfie.

And then, you lift up your foot, pull out a revolver, and drill a hole straight through the techno synth compound leather of your expensive climbing boot, the heavy-duty polar weave of your socks, the cringing flesh and sinews and red, red blood of your foot, the hardened flexible sole of your boot and into the cold dark limestone one foot below the peak.

Why would you do this?

It takes a lot of money and effort to get to that point, but you make it and, just short of success you decide any further effort is a waste of time and you go home.

You never really had a plan for that final step anyway, you discover. You were hoping for luck, maybe a helping hand from a passer-by, a gust of wind to lift you up, a weather balloon for some final lift.

Every day on Medium I see writers doing something similar without the ice and the snow and the thin air.

They are sitting at home in a comfy chair with a fresh cup of coffee and their favourite music playing. And still, they shoot themselves in the foot!



Britni Pepper
Better Advice

Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.