The Secret Formula That Lies Behind Dreaming

As anything else in this Universe, chasing (and manifesting) a dream follows hidden rules most people aren’t aware of.

Better Advice
4 min readJul 21, 2023


Free stock photo by Nothing Ahead — Pexels

I remember the exact day I felt the stinging bite of the dream bug. I was laying on my bed and had just finished writing the first chapter of a story I had in mind. I was only 18 years old and felt like suddenly the Universe had collapsed into my heart.

I was dreaming of becoming a writer, publish a book and live my life telling stories that could inspire people to live a more meaningful life.

Little did I know that it was the beginning of a journey of profound and intense discovery of my deeper and truer self, as well as the world.

With the time, as I grew older and tried to publish my first book, I understood that those beautiful sensations I felt on my bed some months before were only the rising stars, and that a whole long journey of challenges would’ve unfolded and tested my willpower of turning my dream into actuality.

Fast forward to today, I fully believe that being able to manifest one’s dream require a deep knowledge of the Soul, as well as a bulletproof vision that can outlast any hindrance on the way.

The real alchemic formula

I read about alchemy in the past and fantasised about it, picturing long-bearded men hidden in caves for all their lives trying to find the formula that would convert lead into gold, or create the Sorcerer’s stone that would give eternity to whoever owned it. But as I compared the act of chasing and manifesting a dream to that of looking for that legendary alchemic formula, I realised how many similarities there were between the two.

Then I thought…

Is Alchemy really trying to tell us a out-of-this-world formula, or could that be a metaphor that each one of us has to decipher according to their own Personal Dream?

How to transform a purpose (=lead) into tangible reality (=gold) and live a life of true meaning (=Sorcerer’s stone/eternity)?

Finding your Alchemy textbook

Legend says that the secret formula is so simple that was engraved in an emerald stone long time ago, but that no one could ever find. Therefore men invested all their life studying infinite textbooks, trying to put together the pieces of that legendary formula that would make them powerful and immortal.

The more they researched, the more complicated it got, the more they stressed about the outcome more than the actual journey, the further they got to accomplish anything.

This tells me a lot about dreaming…

Aren’t people who become more focused about their outcome than the journey they’re on more likely to fail in the pursue of manifesting their visions?

That happened to me too, actually.

The secret Ingredient

Not that long ago I became so obsessed with the idea of wanting to become financially free and wealthy than I started putting the focus on how much money I wanted to make and fighting every day to make that happen, even if it meant working the whole day, or living with a constant sense of pressure and being emotionally distant from all my loved ones.

I become obsessed with an outcome, versus understanding if that was the real path to my deeper purpose.

It turned out that it didn’t, and all I ended up experiencing was a sense of deep frustration and anger towards my own self, feeling like a failure on a daily basis as I wasn’t able to make the amount of money I was fixated on.

I thought I was following my alchemic formula, and that at some point I would’ve managed to see the gold, but that did not happen. Something was lacking and I could feel it that it was lacking from within.

Because there is one special ingredient that makes alchemy possible and that allows lead to turn into gold or, better yet, that turns a dream into actuality. Which was exactly what I was missing out on.

And that is being able to pay attention to your Heart Whisper — this is is what I like to call it.

Or, in more practical words, that is aligning the intentions of your deepest purpose with your daily actions.

When I first told you that as I wrote the first chapter of my book I felt like the Universe collapsed into my Heart, that’s where my purpose really lied. That was the magic match that could turn alchemy into actuality. My Heart met with its true purpose and felt as everything made sense.

The Alchemic Match

As I sat on the sofa an afternoon in the hot June of London, after having spent several months stressing myself about money and how to make more, I finally asked myself:

“What is it that really makes me feel in touch with my true self & with the world?”

That was it. I asked a question to my Heart and it started whispering to me again.

That is when I connected to my deeper self again. That’s when I started writing again with purpose being focused on the journey versus the destination. And that’s when I started listening to my Heart again.

Those feelings of lack, frustration, anger and stress disappeared and a sense of magic arose into my heart again. I was in touch. I was aligned.

It all became so simple.

I was ready to write my alchemic formula on an emerald stone.



Better Advice

Seeker of Meaning. Obsessed with researching tools that can enhance the unlimited Human Potential. Let’s live to the fullest.