The Secret to Success from the Chinese Bamboo Tree

It’s a three-step process.

Sabah Ismail✨
Better Advice


Have you ever wondered how the Chinese bamboo tree grows? Have you ever just wondered about the Chinese bamboo tree at all?

Yup, me neither. What’s to wonder about, right? It’s just a tree.


It’s not just a tree. It’s a profound parable for life and one that I just happened to stumble across when listening to a Dr. Wayne Dyer podcast episode.

What I discovered absolutely blew my mind and reminded me of so many important life lessons which, I’m sure like many others, are easy to forget at times. What I discovered made me fall in love with this tree, and with life, all over again.

So what is it about the Chinese bamboo tree that is so awe-inspiring? And what secrets does it share that can help us, humans, to navigate our own ways through life?

The Chinese bamboo tree

The growth pattern of the Chinese bamboo tree is quite miraculous. It begins with a simple bamboo shoot being planted in the ground. As with all plants, this shoot is then watered and nurtured, in the hope that it will begin to grow. But days, weeks and months go by and it appears that nothing is happening; the soil where it was planted remains as it was…



Sabah Ismail✨
Better Advice

A human being fascinated by the human experience. Also a writer, artist & transpersonal healing coach writing on spiritual growth, healing & consciousness.