The Simple 3-Level-Matrix Will Help You Never Skip Your Habits Again

Use habit expert James Clear’s powerful rule.

Moreno Zugaro
Better Advice


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A good children’s tale tells the best life lessons for adults.

Goldilocks was a young girl venturing into the woods. Strolling across earthy grounds and lush greens, she came upon a hut. Always the nosy one, Goldilocks peaked inside — and saw three bowls of porridge on the kitchen table.

The exploring had made her hungry, so she helped herself. But the first bowl was too hot — steaming and burning her lips. The second one was already cold — stale and boring. The third one, finally, was just right.

Tired from the meal, she wanted to rest. In the hut were three beds — one too big, one too small, but the other one just right. Perfectly cozy, she fell asleep and had sweet dreams.

The tale is so catchy, it has made it into the works of the world’s best habit experts.

“The Goldilocks Rule of habit formation: Make it small enough to be sustainable, but meaningful enough to make a difference.”

— James Clear

Science says it takes between 18 and 254 days to build a habit. In my years of coaching…



Moreno Zugaro
Better Advice

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