There Is One (Highly Underrated) Way to Make More Money, Better Decisions, and Have the Best Ideas of Your Life

You can walk your way to it all

Charlie Brown
Better Advice


Photo by Tom Jur on Unsplash

I built a 6-figure business off the back of a walk.

I sold a 6-figure business off the back of a walk.

I designed a whole new writing career, you guessed it, off the back of a walk.

The walks started 20 years ago when I first met my husband. We were both living with housemates so if we wanted any time to ourselves that didn’t include eating or drinking out, we would walk.

And we would walk miles, through middle England’s canal systems, around parks, day in, day out.

And we would talk.

We designed our whole life by walking through miles of uninteresting scenery.

That’s the power of the humble walk.

Here’s how to harness it.

The cold, hard data doesn’t lie

Everyone knows that exercise makes us feel good, all that lovely dopamine flooding our body, lowering our risk of depression, heart disease, and all manner of other great benefits.



Charlie Brown
Better Advice

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at