These 4 Productivity Principles Make You More Effective Than 99% Of People You Know

Lack of time is not the problem — lack of time-management is.

Jari Roomer
Better Advice


Warren Buffet said, “You only have to do very few things right in your life so long as you don’t do too many things wrong.”

The same goes for your productivity.

As long as you avoid productivity drainers such as distractions, fatigue, and busywork, you only have to get a few fundamental principles right to become one of the most productive people in your field.

Manage Your Time To Manage Your Life

Every one of us has 24 hours in the day. People who’ve achieved remarkable things have the same amount of time as you have. Whether Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Maya Angelou, or Martin Luther King — they all had 24 hours per day to make extraordinary things happen.

This shows that lack of time is hardly ever the problem. The problem is lack of time-management.

Most people waste so much time each day because they approach the day without a clear action plan. When you don’t have a clear action plan, distractions will find their way into your life.

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Jari Roomer
Better Advice

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