This Is Why Your Life Feels Stagnant and What To Do About It.

Stagnation happens when you don’t have anything in life that motivates you enough to take sustained steps towards it.

Arlene Ambrose
Better Advice


You feel exhausted when you take on too many things that don’t come naturally.

We all need a certain amount of challenge in life for growth, but this shouldn’t be the bulk of what life is made of.

A stressful lifestyle leaves you empty, passionless, and without coping mechanisms.

Stress is whatever you say it is. It’s whatever causes you mental or emotional disruption. Too many times, we’re invalidated because our stressors are seen as insignificant. It doesn’t matter where the source of stress comes from; the effect is the same. You suffer.

Your mind becomes stuck on negative thoughts, your self-esteem plummets, you never feel good enough. Thus, you trigger your stress response, leading to heart disease, high blood pressure, and respiratory illness. It activates your inflammatory response, causing skin break-outs, and weakens your immune response, leaving you prone to infection.

If this doesn’t change, the world misses out on you, just as you are. You start to feel at a standstill.



Arlene Ambrose
Better Advice

I write for people who are ready to take big leaps in life. (mental well-being, growth, self care, relationships) IG@thearleneambrose