Three Things I Learned From Failing at Love and Life

And why it should inspire you to embrace your failures.

Leah Njoki
Better Advice


Photo by Author

It all started as a bright-eyed little girl, desperate for perfect grades. And yet, for the life of me, I couldn’t hack maths. Somehow, numbers gave me a brain freeze. At 25, I tasted the bitter ashes of failure when I found myself divorced, broke, and lost young woman dating all the wrong dudes.

With my self-esteem only a hair above the flat line, I became entangled in toxic friendships. A few years went by in a blur. Fortunately, before I could dig myself deeper into the hole, something shifted. I realized I could harness my failures to reinvent my life.

That I could use them as tools to rewrite my narrative and make better choices, so I began to focus on English because it came easily for me. Before long, I was writing the best compositions. The seed to be a writer stemmed from that shift. I’m still watering it.

Failure Is Life’s Way of Pointing You in the Right Direction.

When my first marriage crumbled to dust, it forced me to rebuild my life and taught me how a blissful marriage should look. It turned out that dating half-baked men wasn’t so bad after all. It forced me to elevate my standards. I knew who I didn’t…



Leah Njoki
Better Advice

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