Why Men Looking for Love on Dating Apps Have Better Chances at Success

No, women don’t have it easier. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Mariza Writes
Better Advice


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels

After a difficult breakup, a friend — typically — suggested I try online dating. I initially rejected the idea, doubting I would meet any decent men online, but eventually, I gave in and decided to give it a go.

So I got down to business. I familiarized myself with Tinder and Bumble and applied my content marketing skills to choosing the right profile pictures and writing a bio that would guarantee me more matches, swiping right and left and upwards while I was at it.

Soon I noticed I needed to chat with a lot of guys only to end up with a handful that was genuinely looking to meet me. Why on earth would they waste time on a dating app if dating is not their goal? I was wondering.

I also noticed how men’s age impacted their behaviour—more on this and my recent adventures in date-land, here.

I thought If I am looking for language lessons, I will check out available online courses. If I want to go out on dates, I will sign up for a dating application.

Of course, you can surely buy a car from a dealer if you are willing to spend enough money, whereas you can only procure a redhead from a dating



Mariza Writes
Better Advice

I write to explore, communicate and better understand Love | Sexuality | Relationships | Midlife | Life.