Why You Should Go On a Quest to Have Natural Curiosity About Your Own Life

Maddie McGuire
Better Advice
Published in
7 min readApr 23, 2021


Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

Are you curious about who you are?

Why you are the way you are?

How you take up space in this world?

The dreams and passions you hold and why they’re meant for you?

The people you welcomed into your life and the impact you make in theirs?

Are you interested in yourself and the deep dwellings in your head and your heart?

You will spend every second of your life with yourself. From the moment you come into this world to the moment you leave it. You will never have a moment where you’re not with yourself.

Your soul is completely unique to who you are and your experience here is as equally as rare.

It’s truly amazing how we hold so much natural curiosity for those around us and the world we live in.

But at times, we forget to have curiosity about ourselves.

We forget to ponder about our own lived experiences and our emotions. Why we have the triggers we do, where our joy and judgment come from.

How we’ve gotten to where we have, and why we yearn to go where we do.

Do you judge yourself for the thoughts, feelings, and emotions you hold? Rather…



Maddie McGuire
Better Advice

Certified coach, writer, and voice-over artist. Boxed wine aficionado. Email list: https://yougotyou.ck.page/f07cc31a95