Work In A Flow State For 2+ Hours Per Day Using The ‘3C Method’

How to access the zone of optimal mental performance that boosts productivity by 500%

Jari Roomer
Better Advice


Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash

Flow is a psychological and physiological state of peak performance. It’s where we feel our best and perform at our best — both mentally and physically. Some people refer to it as ‘being in the zone’, ‘hyperfocus,’ or ‘full immersion.’

It’s that state in which you are one with an activity or challenge, and nothing else seems to occupy your mind. Your sense of time gets distorted, you’re deeply concentrated in the ‘now,’ and feelings of hunger, pain, or fatigue might even fade away.

The Flow State Is A Modern-Day Superpower

Operating in a flow state is common for athletes, musicians, painters, and other creatives. Nevertheless, it’s extremely valuable for knowledge workers, entrepreneurs, students, and researchers as well. For me, as a writer on productivity and peak performance, this is the most interesting part.

Steven Kotler, the author of The Art of Impossible, says that during flow, “mental and physical ability go through the roof, and the brain takes in more information per second, processing it more deeply.”



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