You’re Probably Doing Resolutions Wrong — Do These 8 Things And Get Them Right This Year

…I’ll be shocked if have all 8 of these bases covered.

Matt Hogan
Better Advice


I don’t know about you but this time of year always has me feeling self-conscious and crappy.

Mostly from eating more than usual and working out less than usual.

At a previous time in my life, I would channel all that energy into one mega intense workout to try and make up for the holiday dip.

But now, I try to do the opposite. I try not to run from it… I try to *really* feel that crappy feeling… And I try to convert it into a more sustainable source of energy. A source of energy that carries me through a month’s worth of workouts rather than one or two really intense ones.

Just like you can’t eat one healthy meal to make up for a week’s worth of crap, you can’t do one mega workout to make up for a week’s worth of inactivity.

In fact, from my experience, it tends to work proportionally in the opposite direction. One week of inactivity is made up with one month of consistent workouts. One month of crappy eating is made up with one quarter (of a year) of healthy eating.

Don’t let this disappoint you.



Matt Hogan
Better Advice

I help busy people do inner work. Specifically find alignment, build discipline, and uncover joy. Read my daily musings at