Deeper State Keto (DSK): Offboarding

Wrapping up Phase 3 and Beginning to Reverse-Diet

Becky Searls
Better and Better
9 min readFeb 17, 2019


A bit over a month ago I published a post after wrapping up phase 2 and starting phase 3 of Deeper State Keto (DSK), the macro-tapering ketogenic cut protocol I’ve been following since mid-August.

A peek at my DSK macro spreadsheet for Phase 3

Links to previous DSK posts

If this is the first post you’re reading about DSK, here are links to other posts I’ve written about my experience, in case you’d like to go back and read from the beginning:

Please feel free to check out those posts to get a better picture of the complete DSK program!

Wrapping up Phase 3

Phase 3 was the shortest of the program for me, which is good because it’s also when your calories dip the lowest in the program, making it the most difficult phase to sustain. Luckily the low calories of phase 3 are balanced with 1 keto “refeed” (basically a bump in calories) per week and these provide a lot of physical and psychological relief.

I stayed in phase 3 for just two weeks. At my lowest, my calories got down to ~1,320. Going much lower than that is a recipe for metabolic damage, so I decided to wrap it up and start reversing the cut through the offboarding phase of the program.

My energy remained pretty stable throughout Phase 3, and I continued to see the scale move in the right direction. I haven’t had an updated bodypod body composition test since December (I like to wait 3–4 months between tests to see broader trends), so I’m not sure about my fat vs. muscle mass but my progress pictures, attempts at measuring fat mass with calipers, and body measurements all suggest that I am continuing to maintain or even build muscle on DSK as I lose fat! More info on Phase 3 here.

Not only do I like my aesthetic results on DSK, I LOVE that I have enough energy to power through my strength training workouts — if you want more info on my current fitness routine check out my 4-week blog post series from January on #WednesdayWorkouts and #WhatIAteWedneday here, here, here, and here :)

Staying the course with Off-boarding

Similar to how I started DSK by on-boarding to increase my caloric runway, I am now increasing my calories little by little from the low point I hit at the end of phase 3 as I slowly off-board, or reverse-diet.

During off-boarding, every week or so, I will add 40–50 calories to my caloric intake while somewhat maintaining my macro ratios. I say somewhat because although I plan to stay mostly high-fat/low-carb, we have a trip to Japan coming up in April, and some of my favorite foods include white rice and various noodles (curry rice, ramen, etc) — and I absolutely want to mindfully enjoy them to the fullest while we are there!

To allow myself to do this comfortably, I am playing around with adding more carbohydrates from whole food sources little by little, and starting to use fat as more of a lever to hit satiety (fullness) than as a firm macro number to strictly hit.

Japanese Curry Rice and Ramen…🤤 excited to enjoy these in April!!

I hope to slowly raise my intake to at least 1800–1900 calories/day before hitting maintenance. Maintenance is basically the total number of calories required on a daily basis to maintain your body weight without gaining or losing fat or muscle, and varies a lot from person to person based on fat and muscle mass, RMR (resting metabolic rate), and activity level.

Raising calories slowly over an extended period of time allows the body to acclimate to the increased calories week to week, and minimizes the body’s likelihood of adding excess fat as you eat more.

Once I hit maintenance calories and am maintaining my weight at a higher calorie intake, I’m excited to continue strength training, with more food to fuel my lifting workouts. I hope to keep progressing towards my fitness goals through a more gradual approach to continued body recomposition (simultaneously losing fat while gaining muscle), since strength training is synonymous with fat loss training.

Got an air fryer for my birthday! ❤ I have enjoyed making salmon and crispy brussels sprouts, wings and pork belly (not pictured) so far!
Dinner out for Restaurant Week / my birthday! This was my first time eating a small portion of potatoes in months — delicious!
Bacon and eggs and Ribeye remain staples. Having room in my off-boarding macros for things like avocado and guacamole is exciting!

Offboarding = An Unexpectedly Challenging Mindset

I’ve been surprised at how hard I’ve found off-boarding so far, though upon reflection, I’m not sure why I didn’t see this difficulty coming. I guess I thought that it would be a welcome relief to stop cutting and start adding calories back in, but, in reality it felt a bit like opening a can of worms. After all, my focus with cutting has been a clear, steady decline on the scale and in measurements, for months, and now it feels kind of wrong to reverse that process, even though I know it is time.

I suspect that this is the moment of most cut protocols where people might tend to either fall off the wagon completely, or get sucked into continued, unnecessary restriction, which can obviously be a slippery slope to disordered eating.

Suddenly, I have more freedom, and the promise of even more with each week. It is a little heady to think about all the food I could theoretically fit into my new and increased macros each week! But also a bit scary because I don’t want to add too much too soon and throw away all the hard work I’ve put into my progress over the past 6+ months.

Thankfully, I’ve realized pretty quickly that just like cutting 40 calories week over week wasn’t super noticeable, neither is adding 40 calories week over week. So a “let loose” kind of mindset doesn’t seem to be as much of a danger as I feared. I’m eating the same foods, and since the increase each week is minimal, I barely even notice I’m eating a little more of them (basically I just feel less hungry between meals).

I’m now trying to find a balance between eating a little bit more intuitively, allowing my macros to fluctuate a bit as I add back a bit more carbohydrate, and just staying the course by slowly and consistently following the general offboarding protocol as I reverse-diet.

It’s been very tempting at times to just say “screw it!” and buy a large popcorn at the movies now or bust out a halo top or equivalent treat after months of restriction. The only thing that’s kept me from doing that is knowing that 1) I’d most likely really feel sick because my body just isn’t ready for that yet and 2) It would take me a long time to recover mentally from breaking my promise to myself to see DSK through to its completion to the best of my ability.

Does that mean I’ve been perfect? Nope! 🤣 Here’s a post I wrote last month following a day where I blew past my macros completely. I’ve also had a hard time this week with readjusting to tracking after 3 days of travel to Utah, during which I made good intuitive whole food choices but didn’t track macros.

Beautiful views from our Ski Lodge in Utah!
Travel is a great chance to practice eating intuitively without tracking everything. This breakfast buffet with bacon, sausage, omelette and a few berries and greek yogurt (OMG!) and lamb shank with polenta and brussells sprouts were amazing!

On Decluttering, Focusing, and Making Eating Healthfully a Sustainable, Life-Long Approach

I’m definitely human and make plenty of mistakes. So it’s a huge work in progress to create a healthy long-term mindset surrounding food. So far, for the most part, even when I have “off” days during off-boarding, I’m sticking with foods I know make me feel my best — so, for example, I may overdo it on cheese and end up over on my macros, but, at least it wasn’t a brownie full of sugar that would make me feel hungover the next day. 🤷‍♀️ Each day that goes by, I trust myself around food a little more, and that is a great feeling! 💗

Coincidentally, over the next month, I’m going to be doing a “digital declutter”, an idea promoted by Cal Newport, author of the new book Digital Minimalism, which explores how to use technology to support your goals and values, rather than letting technology use you. I’ll be eliminating so-called “optional technologies” from my life for the next 30 days (think social media, streaming Netflix, compulsively checking news websites and other various apps that suck up time). This presents an ideal opportunity to re-examine my use of MyFitnessPal, the app I use to track macros. I plan to take baby steps towards eating in a way that feels good and meets my goals: first, I’ll track fully as usual week 1; week 2, I’ll track all but dinner, week 3, I’ll track dinner but not the other food I eat and finally, week 4, I’ll attempt to listen to my internal hunger cues completely, not track at all, and keep sticking to foods that make me feel my best.

I’ve been loving the book Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport so far — I plan to start my own 30-day “digital declutter” tomorrow! After 30 days without social media, blogging, streaming netflix, and compulsive use of various apps, I hope to rediscover lots of things that give me joy outside of technology and to re-introduce only those tech tools that facilitate living out my values most fully.

I’ll still take body measurementS, use calipers, assess my energy during workouts, and watch the scale to see if my attempts at self-regulation are successful, and recalibrate if necessary.

What I don’t want is to suddenly find myself traveling for a month in a foreign country with less than optimal keto foods, after months of tracking limited/controlled foods . I know I need to ease into eating without tracking and I hope this month of training wheels will be the perfect approach!

Right back to my regular meals at home post-travel: kielbassa, bacon, jarlsberg cheese, fried eggs, and pickles + hot sauce!

I’ll probably post a final time about DSK in about a month as I wrap up off-boarding (which conveniently will align with the end of my digital declutter…though no promises, as I’m not yet sure blogging with “make the cut” of technology I choose to add back into my life 🤔 ). I’d like to post some data that show my final numbers and progress from start to end of DSK !

Disclaimer: Please note that while this update is specific to the program I am using — DSK — much more important than following a particular way of eating (keto, paleo, vegan, etc) or any program, is finding what works for you and makes you feel your best. Please ignore the dogmatic ketovangelists out there, and self-experiment in rational ways that make sense for your situation. Feel free to borrow, beg, and steal any of the info I’ve shared (well, unless its DSK, then pay for it, duh), and make it your own!

Thanks so much for reading! If you have questions about my experience on DSK over the next 30 days, you can shoot them to me via e-mail, which I’ll be checking once a day: beckyjoy (at) gmail (dot) com ❤



Becky Searls
Better and Better

Observations and insights on life and growth from a former teacher in transition. Into food, fitness, mindset, learning, & travel. 🥩🏃‍♀️💪🏋️‍♀️🤓📚✈️