BIG NEWS! — A New Era for BBB

Frances Fogel
Better Bolder Braver
5 min readApr 3, 2024

Strap yourself in, lovely people. I’ve got some important stuff to tell you. You might like to grab yourself a cuppa and settle in for this one…

Goodbye Simon

Having co-founded BBB in July 2021, I’m very sad to bid farewell to the fabulous Simon Batchelar, but very excited by what is next for both them and for the BBB community

Like a swan, Simon gracefully entered my life and helped me come up with our community’s design, purpose and general being. They leave me feeling proud, empowered, and grateful for their contributions to our BBB family.

Simon’s legacy will live on through much of our Coach’s Marketing Journey (CMJ) course content, with half of the videos featuring their face.

If you are in the community, you’ll always have access to Simon’s Tools & Techniques sessions, including the latest on Marketing with AI.

Simon and I recorded a “goodbye” video to share with you Simon’s next steps and our future plans for the occasional ‘Simon & Frances’ show…

… or if you prefer, you can listen to this conversation as a podcast episode:


In the midst of bidding farewell to Simon, I’m thrilled to announce a new era of collaboration and support for BBB.

Two long time community members, Ellie Lloyd-Jones and Kieran Morris, will now be supporting me by mentoring new members and hosting a whole new series of marvellous weekly sessions for BBB members to compliment the existing bi-weekly CMJ Check-In sessions.

Ellie, Kieran and I have recorded a quick conversation to tell you all about how they are going to help me evolve the community.

Or listen to the conversation as a podcast

So — if you are already a member — stay tuned for their new sessions in the BBB events calendar!


New community member, Myka, lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She joined us after attending one of our quarterly workshops for the Association for Coaching.

I was surprised to hear about the absence of a dedicated community for ethical marketing amongst coaches across the pond, but there you have it! This isn’t actually the first time we’ve had this feedback from our friends in the States…


Moving forward, 80% of our weekly sessions will now be at 3pm or 4pm UK time. For UK and European BBB members, this now means you can do a day’s coaching / marketing / whatever before “treating yourself” to a community get-together.

This also means that our friends on both the East and West coasts of the US are able to join us for live sessions. Unfortunately, it’s too hard right now to accommodate our pals in Oz and Bali but who knows, perhaps our members Down Under will start up a local BBB contingent and events to suit their time zone!

In fact, I’d love for us all to plan some more IRL, in person meet-ups for BBB members, fostering offline connections regardless of location.

Check out Ellie’s regular Netwalking events here, for example. And if you don’t live near Cheshire but fancy setting up something similar in your neck of the woods, speak to Ellie who can help you.

With upcoming elections and pressing global issues like Climate Change, supportive communities are vital. This is an ideal time for coaches to unite, inspire, and make a positive impact without burning out.

Stronger in numbers and here for the ride.



The next “Sprint” of the CMJ starts on 23 April 2024 so do join today!

From then on, the Better Bolder Braver community doors will close until 18 June 2024.

This isn’t a toxic “countdown” marketing ploy… My aim is for new members to embark on the Coach’s Marketing Journey together… Starting together boosts your membership experience, allows you to better share inspiration, collaborate with fellow coaches, and discuss the course exercises. You might even create coaching ventures together like many of our members have.

Register now for the Mindset Check-In at 4pm GMT on 23 April to be part of the next 12 week CMJ learning sprint.

… You’ll benefit from a two week trial of the community. It’s £50 a month thereafter (I’m not putting up prices despite the rise in cost of living in order to keep the community affordable).

P.P.S. Simon and I will continue to run regular ‘Making Marketing Simple’ workshops for our friends at the Association for Coaching (AC) and our next session — all about your Ideal Client Niching — is on Thursday 18 April 2024. So, if you are an AC member, do join — we look forward to seeing you there.

Join Simon & Frances for the next Association for Coaching session on 18 April.

P.P.P.S. Read all about how to niche in Simon’s recent blog post.

Big love to ya,




Frances Fogel
Better Bolder Braver

Co-Founder at Better Bolder Braver — Marketing training and support that empowers coaches.