Your Friday Zero Plot Summary (ZPS) Book Recommendation: Late Dawn

Get the thrill of discovering amazing stories, guaranteed free of spoilers

Preston Park, J.D.
Better Brains


Screen shot of Late Daw cover showing a lion in the trees.
Late Dawn Cover. Screen Shot by Author. Fair Use — Criticism & Commentary.

One of life’s true pleasures is to pick up a good book and dive in with no advance notice about the plot.

A year ago, I went to a restaurant where the menu was in German. I do not speak German, so I just pointed at something random and got a surprise meal.

Now when I go to a restaurant, I close my eyes and plop my finger down on a random menu item. Not only do I waste less time and energy deciding what to order, but I also get to try fantastic new dishes I would never have thought to order.

That is the experience I want to give ZPS readers. I will recommend books that I have read but tell you very little about them.

Friday ZPS book recommendation:

Late Dawn by Michelle Tanmizi, (affiliate).

Late Dawn Cover Title. Screenshot by Author. Fair use — Criticism and Commentary.
  • ➕ Immersive.
  • ➕ Sci-fi action.
  • ➕ Politics-neutral — conservation + respect for nature.
  • ➖ Kindle version does not have chapter links.

Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3.29 out of 3.5 stars


  1. Do not read the description, comments, or reviews.
  2. Buy or download a free sample.
  3. Skip to the prologue and start reading.
  4. Let us know what you think in the comments.




Preston Park, J.D.
Better Brains

Preston has over 20 years of experience in software and business intelligence. Now he helps entrepreneurs find their profit-boosting value propositions.