How to make your work day better.

Teagan Burns
2 min readJul 30, 2018


Written by Team Deksia, Edited and Illustrated by Teagan Burns

Work isn’t always fun. There are a lot of reasons why you may be irritated at work. Despite your frustration, there are things you can do to alter your work environment that can improve your workday. Here are some things we do here at Deksia that might make your day just a little bit better.

Music can help keep you focused and interested in your work. Make yourself a playlist to help keep yourself motivated throughout the work day.

1. Listen to music.

Listening to music can lighten your mood and make tasks more enjoyable. Here at Deksia, we constantly have a Pandora station playing- with stations ranging from today’s hits to 80’s to electronic rock.

2. Eat Lunch.

Have you ever been so hungry you start getting angry about every little thing? We call that hangry- don’t let yourself get hangry! Bring a lunch (or at the bare minimum some snacks) to quench your hunger or treat yourself to lunch out once in a while. A favorite lunch spot of ours is Tacqueria San Jose. Better yet, make healthy choices in your food intake. Yes, McDonalds is easy and cheap, but you can do yourself some good by choosing a healthy alternative. Staying healthy in general will give you more energy, which could impact your performance at work.

The average human needs about eight glasses of water a day.

3. Stay hydrated.

This is pretty self-explanatory. Water increases your energy level and maintains normal body function. Here at Deksia, we have an impressive assortment of beverage options to choose from.

4. Stay organized.

Clutter can make your tasks more difficult, which can leave you frustrated and stressed. Instead, take some time and organize papers, folders, and other office supplies. This will cut down on time spent looking for a note or piece of paper and simplify assignments. Our office is organized with the use of bins, folders, and apps.

Bring in some things to make your desk feel like a home away from home. Plants, photos, even candles can make the difference.

5. Personalize your space.

Photos of pets, family members, and/or significant others will bring positive energy into your workspace, rather than having a cold, cluttered, stressful work area. We have photos of pets and family members throughout the office.

These are just a few of the things that make working at Deksia enjoyable. Try incorporating some of these pieces into your work space. If you’re looking for other ways to make your work day more productive check out our article here.

