Impactful Ideas// 28th Feb 2020

Rima Patel
Impactful Newsletter
3 min readFeb 28, 2020

At Impactful we’re always stumbling upon amazing individuals, organisations, resources, and events that spark our curiosity and get us all fired up. So, we thought we’d gather them up every so often and share them with you. Here are a few things we’ve been enjoying over the past couple of weeks.

Future Crunch | A newsletter packed full of hope, innovation & optimism.

Gus, Tane and the team send out a fortnightly newsletter which is guaranteed to make you feel inspired by the progress and breakthroughs that might not get the limelight but are quietly and persistently changing our world for the better. From technology to the environment, health to politics, we’re always left feeling hopeful & re-energised after reading Future Crunch. Read the latest edition and let us know what you think.

Mariana Mazzucato | An Impactful economist crush.

We first came across Mariana Mazzucato last year when she was interviewed for Wired Magazine talking about her work, developing policies and partnering with politicians around the world, to fix our current capitalist, economic system. Since then, we’ve been geeking out on her work and ideas. For someone who studied Economics at school or university, it’s endlessly fascinating. She talks about state investment and innovation, mission & purpose oriented policies and the potential of public organisations. If you want a real deep dive into this space, you can watch the entire undergraduate module in Rethinking Capitalism from UCL’s Institute for Innovation & Public Policy (where Mariana teaches) on youtube for free.

Story to watch | Audit firms facing a review over climate risk exposure

It might sound niche, but this is an important signal in the sustainable business world. It suggests that the financial risks resulting as a consequence of climate change might not be being fully accounted for by companies. “Not only do boards of UK companies have a responsibility to report their impact on the environment and the risks of climate change to their business, but investors expect them to operate sustainably,” he said. “Auditors have a responsibility to properly challenge management to assess and report the impact of climate change on their business.” — Sir John Tompson, CEO of the Financial Reporting Council.

Exhibition | Beazley Designs of the Year @ The Design Museum, London

To get a little glimpse of what the future might hold, drop in to the Designs of the Year exhibition, on until 31st March, to see finalists in spanning technology, fashion, transport, product and more. We loved the IKEA furniture designed to be more accessible, the GATCHA self driving shuttle bus, OLIO the food sharing app & Papi Juice; a collective for queer and trans people of colour, in particular!

Impactful Blog | How your internet habits affect your carbon footprint.

We were a little shocked to find out about the environmental impact of streaming, searching and emailing. Part of everyday life, we forget that each digital action requires energy and given the sheer volume of actions we each do everyday, it all adds up. Particularly if the data centres built to service these actions are not sustainably powered. Max wrote a piece talking about this and the ways we can start to change our habits to be less wasteful and more intentional. #pleasantrypollution

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Rima Patel
Impactful Newsletter

Learning Design Consultant @PwC. Prev: Founder, Impactful. Fellow @Year Here, Program Leader @Remote Year , Community Manager @escapethecity.