How to Say “Thank You” According to Amazon

Stratton Cherouny
Better By __
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2019

A friend of mine and I exchange books each year at Christmas. This year, he gave me Unthinkable: An Extraordinary Journey Through the World’s Strangest Brains by Helen Thomson. It’s an intriguing look into the minds of nine extraordinary individuals with unusual capacities. I have yet to read it, despite how fascinating the topic is.

What struck me immediately, aside from the subject matter, was the gift receipt that came with it. Amazon included a unique URL and a QR code that I could scan to immediately initiate a return or send a digital thank you note.

Amazon digital gift receipt thank you flow.

After scanning the QR code, you’re taken to a unique user flow based on the gift item. The primary use case must be to return products since that action is given priority over three others: Write a review; Find the perfect gift, presumably for the sender; and Send a personalized thank you email. I chose the last option. Bang out a quick thank you note and off it goes to the email address that placed the order. The confirmation screen takes advantage of a “gifting mindset” by allowing you to set up gift reminders for birthdays and special occasions.

Easy. Fast. Helpful.



Stratton Cherouny
Better By __

Founder of The Office of Experience, a design and digital innovation firm headquartered in Chicago.