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Outstanding and uncommon things of the co-founder speech on Christmas Party

Roberto Hernandez
Better Code & Life


Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

2019 is coming to an end, and as a tradition, at the end of the year, in a lot of companies worldwide celebrate the Christmas party. And of course at my current company that is not an exception. For us as employees and developers, this day is special. Why? Let me explain it in the next lines.

Life and work is not just code, but also relationships, emotions and memories! — Blarz

So, the first reason why this moment is so special is that we have time to spend it as a family, and of course, we are. Also, we need to drink, talk, eat and laugh as crazy after some beers or simply enjoy that moment as a whole.

Secondly, from my point of view, the idea is to be thankful and celebrate the hard work and achievements we accomplished as well as the challenges we faced together. And of course, being open and embrace for the new ones for the incoming year.

What had the special this Christmas party?

You probably asked you that question when you started off to read this post. The answer is: remarkable and…



Roberto Hernandez
Better Code & Life

Founder,, I will teach you about, Programming, Self, Productivity, & Personal Finances.