10 Digital Products You Can Sell And Profit From

Digital products can be very profitable but what are the best products to sell?

Ewan McBride
Better Entrepreneur
7 min readDec 1, 2020


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Chances are that if you are wanting to start your own business then you will have come across the idea of selling digital products. Selling a digital product can be extremely profitable because you don’t have to pay for a physical product to be manufactured and shipped. When someone buys something in your store, you will have almost all of that money on profit because there is nothing to be made, just an email sent with the product. Here are 10 digital products that you can profitably sell in 2020!

1. Digital Course

There are many people on the internet that will be willing to sell you a $1000 course that promises that you will become rich overnight and you probably already know that these are scams. Because of this digital courses have earned themselves a bad name but this shouldn't put you off creating one of your own.

Courses are a great way to teach thousands of people a skill that you have because you only have to create a course once. When your course has been uploaded, you will never have to teach that again but the money will keep coming in.

You will have a skill that a certain group of people will want to learn and this is why you create a digital course. To make a course, you can expect to spend weeks or even months on creating it but if you can create an engaging and informative course, you can earn thousands per month from this asset.

There are many platforms that you can then upload and sell your courses on but I recommend that you use Skillshare as they pay on a watch time basis. The more minutes watched that your course has, the more money you will make.

Skillshare is a learning hub for members who pay a certain amount per month to get unlimited access to all the courses. This means that you already have paying members that will be able to watch your course without paying anything extra.

Photo by Lewis Keegan - Skillscouter.com on Unsplash

2. eBooks

A lot of people on the internet will tell you that selling ebooks is dead and that you shouldn't do it because no one will buy your product. However this just isn't true, there are millions of ebooks bought each year and people will buy them because they can become a valuable education source.

You can create an eBook on almost anything you want because there will always be an audience in that niche. You can create a fictional eBook and upload it to Amazon Kindle however I advise against that and I’ll talk more about that later. The best option for you is to create a non-fiction ebook that will teach the reader something that they don’t already know.

If you don’t have any writing skills and don’t think that you could write an eBook, you can hire someone on a platform like Fiverr for a great price. Most of the time they will charge you per page or for how many words you want.

If you start making your own eBooks and you start to get really good at it, you could then start freelancing. You could advertise your skills in eBook writing and people can hire you to write an eBook for them.

To sell your eBook you can use various different platforms but I recommend Shopify as it is only $29 per month and it is very easy to use. You can create a professional site in just a few hours and you can accept almost all payment methods.

My one tip is to not sell with Amazon Kindle because you will only receive 70% of the listing price and there is a very high threshold that you need to reach to get paid. It is also very strict about what you can upload and the format that you create. If you really want to, you can sell on Amazon because of their massive amounts of traffic but you are probably best to sell on your own site.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

3. Sell Beats

When I say sell beats I don’t mean the headphones, I mean the music beats that you can make in digital audio workstations (DAWs) like Logic Pro, Garageband and FL Studio.

To create a beat you will need a DAW, the best free one is Garageband but you have to have a mac to get it. For Windows, you are best to get FL studio but this will cost a small fee. Logic Pro is the ultimate DAW but it costs nearly $200 and you need a mac.

Creating a beat is really easy to do because the DAWs have all the tools that you need. Beats are also very basic because most of the time they are used for rap and hip-hop music. There are loads of tutorials on YouTube that teach you how to create beats so I would recommend watching some of them to get started.

Once you have created your beats there are many ways to sell them. You can create your own store using Shopify or you can sell them on a marketplace like beatstars.com.

If you sell on your own store, you will make more money per sale and you can sell your beat for more. However, with your own store, you will get much less traffic without paid advertisement.

I think the best idea is to sell them on an online marketplace because they already have a lot of traffic and they don’t take a large percentage of the sale. They also have customers that are looking for the beats that you are producing.

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

4. Apps

If you create an app and upload it all to the major app stores, you can make money from selling the app, in-app purchases and ads. However, my guess is that not very many people reading this are app developers so you may think that you can’t do this.

However, you can hire a software developer on Fiverr or Upwork and they can create the app for you. Once you have that app, you can use it to make passive income, all you will have to do it update the app every so often.

I would say that you should make the app free because most people won’t pay for an app that they have never used. You can implement in-app purchase, these are add ons for your app that customers will pay for. You can also add ads to your app so that anytime someone loads up your app, you make money.

If you can build up a profile with many apps on the app store, you potentially make this your full-time income. For the first few years, you could learn app development while you are hiring someone so eventually, you won't have to pay to make an app.

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

5. Apple Watch Faces

This one might surprise a few people because the Apple Watch is known for not being able to have custom watch faces. However, there is an app called Clockology which allows you to create some really nice looking faces.

You will need an iPhone to do this but you don’t need an Apple Watch unless you want to test your faces first. If you don’t have an iPhone there are other apps on app stores that will do a similar thing.

Clockology is an app that is downloaded on both your phone and watch, you can then create really nice looking watch faces that you can then sell to people for decent amounts of money.

You can sell these through an online store like Shopify and then advertise on social media or paid ads. You could also create an Instagram page that showcases your designs and then sell them through Instagram DM’s or sending them to your Shopify store.

You could also turn this into a freelance business. You could get clients that want a custom watch faces and create them for them. You will make more money from this as they are one-off designs.

Photo by Gian Prosdocimo on Unsplash


Creating and selling a digital product can become a very profitable asset and a source of passive income. If done right, this could become your full-time income and there are so many examples on the internet that will prove to you that digital products could be the thing that grows your monthly income!


