5 Ways To Grow Your Instagram Page In 2021!

You can turn Instagram into a great side hustle with some of these tips!

Ewan McBride
Better Entrepreneur
6 min readJan 23, 2021


Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Instagram is the second-largest social media platform on the internet with over 1 billion active monthly users. This is a lot of people using Instagram and this can make it a great place for entrepreneurs to come to, grow an audience and generate cold hard cash.

As well as loads of users scrolling through the platform each month, there are also many people trying to make money with the platform by growing an audience so there is quite a lot of competition.

Growing an audience on Instagram is by no means easy and to really increase your growth you need to have the right tactics. The aim to create content that the algorithm favours so that you can be pushed onto the explore page and rank in hashtags.

There is quite a lot that goes into this but in this article, I will share with you my top 5 ways to grow your Instagram page in 2021. Everything shared in here will work if you are a beginner or you have a few thousand followers, so everyone can take something away from this.

1. Create Engaging Content

You have probably heard this many times and you are also probably fed up of hearing it.

If you are scrolling through Instagram and come across a post that is black and white with nothing interesting in it then you are just going to continue scrolling. Instagram will see this and stop recommending it to other people.

This is what you don’t want to happen to your content, you want to have engaging content that people enjoy enough to stop scrolling, like and comment. This will really boost your visibility within Instagram and will also increase the number of engaged followers that you have.

Creating engaging content isn't actually as difficult as you think because there are some great tools like Canva that allow you to create amazing graphics for free. There is some great example of people that use this like @millionair.dream and @igwithjos and they create amazing content that has massively boosted their growth.

Photo by Kate Torline on Unsplash

2. Optimise Your Profile

When you browse on Instagram and come across an account on Instagram that you think posts great content but the profile picture is completely unrelated and the bio is talking about something different, are you really going to trust them?

You want to avoid this by making you profile hyper-relevant to ensure that anyone who comes across your profile is in no doubt about what you are about and they want to follow you.

You want to make sure that you have a profile picture that shows what your profile is all about. An example of this is if you had a page all about fishing then you would want a picture that had a fishing rod with a fish on the end.

The next thing you need to do is make sure that you have a username that is related to what you are doing, had only one dot or underscore and is relatively short. Ideally, you shouldn’t have any numbers unless your niche is something like 3d printing, this helps to make your username more memorable.

The last step is to make sure that you have a bio that is clear, easy to read, is informative and has a call to action. If you can successfully do that, you will have an engaging bio to help drive in more engaged followers that like what you are doing.

Photo by Erik Lucatero on Unsplash

3. Comment On Other Posts

When growing a profile you need to be able to expose your self to other people on the platform that like the kind of content that you post. There are a couple of ways to do this but if you are just getting started I recommend commenting helpful things on other peoples posts.

Go to a hashtag that you are targeting and pick around 30 posts that you like, you then want to leave a long comment that is helpful and engaging. This isn’t that hard to do but don’t be begging for followers, you want to be adding value to the person reading it.

There is a limit of around 400–500 comments per day for more established accounts and if you go over this, you can become shadow-banned which can diminish your profile pretty fast.

You will find that other people will do this to your posts because they also want to grow. You can turn this into something that helps you out by replying to their comment because this shows that your post is getting more comments so Instagram will rank you higher in the explore page.

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

4. Hashtags

One of the best ways to get likes and comments on your posts is to use hashtags in each caption of each post. There are some hashtags that have a thousand of people following them but you can rank in them quite easily.

If you are able to rank for a hashtag then you can be getting a lot of exposure which with drastically increase the likes on your post. This can also help you to get on the explore page and gain more followers.

You can have up to 30 hashtags on each post so use as many as you can to increase the chances of you ranking. What I do is I create all my hashtags and save them to the notes app of my phone, this is so that I can just copy and paste it every time I create a post.

Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

5. Use Instagram Stories To Your Advantage

You probably know about the Instagram stories feature where you can post as a verticle image that has different elements like polls, this is a great tool for you for quite a few reasons.

You want to post something on there every day because the story deletes after 24 hours. When you have an active storey, you get a ring around your profile picture and this signifies to users that you are an active profile.

You can also use this for paid promotions or getting insights into what your audience wants to see from you. If you are creating a shirt for your viewers to buy but you have 2 different designs, you can ask your audience what they would like.

You can create highlights on your profile that have stories from a while ago that can again show that you are active and give your viewers more content to view.

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash


Growing on Instagram can be difficult because there is a lot of competition but with that comes a lot of engaged users. If you apply all of these tips, you can rocket your growth in a couple of weeks and this can not only increase your followers but also your income!

