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7 Key indicators for a Successful Global Content Marketing Strategy

Youssef A.
Better Entrepreneur
5 min readMay 4, 2021


Whether you want to retain customers, acquire new ones, or build a strong brand, global content marketing is a precious strategy that you need to heavily consider. Content is what users want to read, learn about, watch or experience. From the perspective of business, content is important information presented on a website, in an application, or utilizing other available channels of digital presentation, which have the mission of communicating and convincing the visitor to purchase our service/product.

In this insight, we share with you 7 Indicators that will boost your global content marketing strategy and keep you close to your customer as well as vigilant to the market trends and new techniques

1. Cost per Lead

The primary goal of any company is to generate as many leads as possible. Still, we should not neglect the costs. A marketing lead is a person who shows interest in a brand’s products or services, which makes the person a potential customer. The Cost per Lead metric measures how cost-effective your marketing campaigns are when it comes to generating new leads for your sales team. Saying so, for global content marketing strategy, much like economies of scale, we have to generate the maximum leads while continuously lowering the costs.

2. Content traffic

Making great marketing content that is both informative and entertaining is primordial. Still, it’s not enough. Great content needs to be at first seen and remarked by individuals. In other words, every piece of content you publish needs to not only satisfy the very specific needs of your target audience but also to be easily accessible and be search-optimized. That being said, companies need to work on improving their content traffic to stimulate the maximum number of visitors. This data item is essential and represents one of the essential indicators of the performance of any content marketing strategy. For global content, companies should investigate the appropriate content to publish in advance and the methods to reach individuals and enhance its traffic.

3. Consumer’s region

One of the key elements of the success of any given global marketing content strategy is its broad knowledge and understanding of its target. A fundamental key indicator for this purpose is the consumer’s region. This simple data gives a significant amount of information on how individuals interact with media. For instance, the growth rate in the digital advertising industry during the last 3 years in Latin America is surpassing the growth rate of all other traditional media by more than 6% of growth (Mckinsey global media report). This kind of information optimizes the investing patterns on media services for better results and return on investment.

4. Consumer’s need

Content marketing is often defined as the art of identifying and understanding the needs of a particular consumer group and as a consequence satisfying these needs in a skillful way. A need is a consumer’s desire for a product’s or service’s specific benefit, whether that be functional or emotional. Identifying customer’s needs is the first step towards creating impactful content. For global campaigns, this data item's need becomes vital as individuals can be very sensitive to any content that may affect their culture or language or misunderstand their true needs. As a result, companies should pay extra attention and keep an eye on any potential changes, especially in a global context.

5. Lead to Marketing Qualified Lead Ratio

Getting an important number of leads is a good sign. But it is not enough criteria to determine whether your content is attracting enough potential consumers. Global Content should be appropriately targeted, both in terms of information and entertainment. A great data item to analyze the convincing aspect of your content is to calculate the ratio of marketing qualified lead to the total lead. This data will evaluate how well your content is influencing the visitors and will also help you identify the type of content that gets you more marketing qualified and so potential consumers. Generally, a successful global marketing content would get at least 6% on this ratio.

6. Social media engagement

Social media is becoming an imperative tool in every marketing campaign. Nowadays, having a successful social media page is not just a desirable thing, it’s a must-have. A company that provides unique and credible social media activities gains a competitive position and builds a strong, trusted market of recipients. All things considered, a great data item to measure your social media performance is social media engagement. This data will allow you to track how well your visitors are interacting with your content on your social media pages and will help you determine the key content that touches the most visitors as well as the content that has the lowest engagement rate and that needs mutations.

7. Content dissemination

According to the results of a survey conducted in 2011 by Hivefire, production, creating original content is the number one issue for 73.6% of the surveyed. The second most important issue is the time needed for generating content — according to 73% of the surveyed. Choosing the right time to publish and its occurrence is as important as creating the content for global content marketing. Informing clients at the right time by generating reliable and valuable content and by entertainment lowers the cost of customer acquisition and higher the sales response time. Saying so, global businesses must create content on an ongoing basis while choosing the appropriate time to publish.

To sum up, as companies and brands seek profitable growth in an uncertain and changing landscape, the next stage for the industry will lie in an intense focus on global direct-to-consumer content. A successful global content marketing needs to have clear and appropriate data to track its progress and to identify the lacking elements for better improvements and reach.

In this article, we provided you 7 key data items that cover overall your global content marketing to refine your strategy while staying within your financial budget goals. All things considered, we should always remind that quality and well-targeted content and a defined strategy of distribution and dissemination of content represent the two key elements of the continuous success of global marketing content.


  • Rebecca Lieb; Think Like a Publisher — How to Use Content to Market Online and in Social Media
  • Witold Świeczak; Content marketing as an important element of the marketing strategy of scientific institutions
  • Mckinsey global media report

