Do You Know What Your Brand Felonies Are?

The secret to defining your company’s values and soul starts by figuring out what pisses you off

Kevin Ervin Kelley, AIA
Better Entrepreneur


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Thirty percent of the brands in my life and cupboards, I don’t know. I mean, I know their names and what they look like — vaguely. But I know nothing more about what they believe in, care about, or what they’re willing to fight for in this world.

I wouldn’t call these brands family or even close friends. They’re more like acquaintances or relationships of convenience. But honestly, I could do with or without them in my life.

That’s a shame for these brands because it allows other alluring brands to slip into my shopping cart and onto my shelves. But these impersonal brands don’t make it easy for me to get to know them. They’re like an attractive person with no substance or depth underneath, at least none I can detect.

Many brands get stuck at the outer rings of their relationship with customers. Their customers only know them at face value, based on their reputation, image, or attitude, but the relationship goes no deeper than that.

The only way for these brands to get closer to their customer is to reveal more. To put themselves out there and be vulnerable.



Kevin Ervin Kelley, AIA
Better Entrepreneur

I’m a retail architect that studies human behavior, perception, and decision-making. I’m fascinated with the intersection of where commerce and community meet.