Five Short Mantras You Can Say Each Day to Become a More Resilient Person

60 months straight of fear, panic, and difficulty:

Anthony Moore
Better Entrepreneur


I’ve been a full-time entrepreneur for five years now. That means 60 months straight of:

  • No guaranteed rent money
  • Out-of-pocket health insurance
  • A dozen (more if I’m being brutally honest) failed products and launches
  • Angry emails from unhappy customers
  • Mean comments from trolls

It’s been…easy to panic, get angry, and stressed. I’ve spent countless nights lying in bed, wide awake, staring holes into the ceiling wondering how I’m going to pay rent.

I couldn’t have made it this far without learning how to be extremely, I’m-not-kidding-around, top-1% resilient.

Resilience isn’t about becoming some buff, stoic, implacable Navy SEAL who has learned to never surrender — that’s silly. As Bruce Lee once quoted, “The stiffest tree is readiest for the ax.

Resiliency is about embracing life’s objectively shitty circumstances, learning how to bend, and using difficult times to become a harder, more reliable, more enduring person.



Anthony Moore
Better Entrepreneur

Writer for CNBC, Business Insider, Fast Company, Thought Catalog, Yahoo! Finance, and you.