How to Become an Online Business Coach?

Ashely John
Better Entrepreneur
5 min readJul 18, 2022

Launching a new career is never easy, but with the proper guidance and tools, today’s entrepreneurs can grow their businesses much faster than before. An online business coach is someone who guides a client towards their business goals, providing enthusiastic support, objectivity, and an actionable plan.

If you are an expert problem solver who can help business owners set smart business goals, avoid common pitfalls, and streamline growth, you have all the qualities of a great online coach. Modern technology has made business coaching a lucrative career option for people who want to run a successful business from the comfort of their homes.

In this blog, we will guide you through the essential things we believe every online business coach must consider when trying on how to become an online business coach.

What is online business coaching?

Online business coaching is a lucrative way for entrepreneurial experts to monetize their knowledge to help other businesses succeed. Clients can connect with online business coaches from anywhere across the world as everything is done online.

No matter whether your expertise as an online business coach comes from your educational qualification or experience, the expert guidance you offer is a marketable service that entrepreneurs are willing to invest in. As a business coach, you will have to take the roles of mentor, trainer, analyst, etc., to help your clients.

Steps to become a business coach online

So how to become an online business coach? One answer: Strategy. To make it easier for you to become a successful online coach, we have compiled some of the best tips to build a thriving online coaching business online.

Step 1: Conduct market research

When brainstorming about how to become an online business coach, market research is important. Often online business coaches make the mistake of targeting many customers without having a proper plan.

It’s significant to understand; who are your target clients? What do they want from you? How would your service benefit them? The market research will help shape your online coaching business and help you make informed decisions like service, price, USPs, and marketing activities.

Step 2: Make clear goals

The first step to follow if you want to become a business coach is to create your contribution and business goals. Make sure your goals are clearly set, and you spend some time analyzing the goals after starting out.

  • Decide your monthly targeted revenue and note it down as a revenue goal.
  • Calculate the time you want to spend on your business and note it down as a lifestyle goal?

Step 3: Know who you want to help

Online business coaching is about helping people to succeed in business of all types and shapes. To succeed as a business coach, you must understand your target audience, their interests, pains, and troubles so that you can offer the best solution irresistible to them.

Make sure you read conversations on social platforms your audience is active in. Talk directly with your audience, observe them, and study their moves and choices. Never stop researching until you understand your audience better than they know themselves.

Step 4: Give a differentiated offer

When becoming a business coach online, especially in the early stages, you must make yourself stand out as an industry expert. But how do you stand out? By delivering exceptional results that matter to the clients you serve. Develop a great offer that solves the pain points of your clients.

  • Offer one-to-one sessions for each client.
  • Create online programs where groups can join.
  • Conduct webinars on different topics.

Step 5: Business models for exceptional growth

The business models play an important role in the overall growth of your online business coaching. Once you decide the pricing strategy for your online coaching services, consider different coaching models and choose any one or a combination of the following business models.

One-on-one coaching

One of the most common business models you can adopt being a business coach is one-to-one coaching services. In this business model, you offer personal sessions to your potential clients where you attend them individually. One-to-one coaching is in high demand among people, and coaches generally charge a premium price for offering custom solutions to client problems. One-to-one sessions are conducted through audio or video streaming.

Group coaching

Just like you offer a personalized one-to-one session for individuals, in this business model, you offer group coaching for a couple of clients. You can decide the number of people in a group. Group sessions are also conducted using video conferencing solutions where you interact with multiple people who belong to a group. Conducting group sessions can help improve your classes’ productivity as you prepare for a session catered to a group of people.

Subscription packages

In this business model, you give your subscribers access to your coaching services, tools, community access, etc., for a fee. The clients who have paid to join your subscription program will be able to access the sessions. You can build a subscription plan and set it up on your online coaching platforms, allowing your clients to book one-to-one or group sessions.

Step 6: Price your offer wisely

There is nothing cheap or expensive in this world. In reality, it’s just about the value of money you get. Being an online business coach, if you can help clients solve some of their major problems, you can charge a premium price which can be around $2k or more per client.

Setting a premium price might be challenging for you when starting out. But do not hesitate to charge a premium price if your services are worth it. This will avoid clients who bargain from working with you, which will increase your worth as a coach.

Step 7: Create an online coaching website

Now you might think — Is it necessary for all business coaches to have a business website? While it isn’t mandatory, having an online coaching website makes sure you have a well-established online presence. Your website acts as the first point of contact for your clients to communicate with you. If you wonder how to create an online coaching website the right way, using an online tutoring software is the best bet.

If you are searching for legitimate software, Pinlearn is a white-label solution you can leverage to create a website to power your online coaching service. Building a customized website makes it easy for you to conduct one-to-one coaching and group sessions.

Step 8: Market your business coaching skills

Now you have got the business plan, business model, online coaching website, and it’s time to get the word out. Promoting yourself is the secret of how to become an online business coach, a successful one.

Invest in search engine optimization and search engine marketing to attract potential clients to your online coaching website. Be active in social media and post consistently to work towards building an online community who are interested in your services.


Every successful business is built carefully step-by-step with a solid business model and careful planning. And online business coaching is no different. Thanks to the technology available these days, it facilitates experts to adopt online business coaching. Take your time and create your professional online coaching website to take the initial step of your online coaching business. Clients rely on you to avail your business services, so make sure you define your USPs to attract clients and excel in your industry.

