How To Set Goals And Be Able To Achieve

Ewan McBride
Better Entrepreneur
3 min readNov 13, 2020

For years people have been setting themselves goals to make them the best person that they can be. Setting yourself goals can really help you to have something to work towards and get to where you want to be faster. In this article, I am going to show you how to set goals that you will be able to work towards and how to achieve them!

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

What Is A Goal

Before we look at how to set goals and how to achieve them, you need to know exactly what a goal is. The definition of a goal is something that you want to aim for or a desired result. In short, a goal is something you want to achieve.

Setting Goals

When setting goals, I advise writing them down somewhere that you will see a lot to remind yourself of what you are working towards and to push you to work harder. You could make it a simple list on your wall, a checklist, a board of pictures representing your goals or you could even make it your phone's background!

The best way to make yourself most determined to achieve your goals is to have goals set for different amounts of time in the future. For example, on my board, I have 2 short term goals for a month from now, 2 longer goals for a year and then 2 that are lifetime goals. This doesn't mean that you have to have 2 goals for each period of time or have to do them the same amount of time, this is just some guidelines.

To choose the goals you need to think of things that you can achieve but will take work to get there. You need to consider your own life because if you want to be a cleaner earning minimum wage for the rest of your life then setting a goal to buy a Lambo is un-realistic.

Choose things that you most want in life but you know you will have to put in hard work and time to get to. A short term goal could be to learn a piano piece or get a certain number of email subscribers. A longer-term goal could be to get 100,000 followers on Instagram or to buy your dream computer. And your lifetime goal could be to buy a Lambo or buy a mansion. These are all examples and you can create your own.

Your goals should all be related to you and be very specific, think about the things that you most want to do in life and are more important to you. The more important that something is to you, then you will push yourself harder to get there.

Achieving Your Goals

Setting your goals is the easy part but sticking to them and then going on to achieve them is difficult. You should always be focusing on the goals that you want to get done in the short term then focus on the long term ones. Most likely your long term ones cant be completed with a few days work but rather a lot of work over a long period of time.

So once you have completed your short term goals, you can then start work on the longer-term goals. Make sure that you have your goals somewhere that you will see often so that you can be reminded why you are trying so hard and what it is all for.

If you reward yourself when you achieve a goal, you will have more motivation to continue with your other goals so that you can help yourself in the future!


Setting your goals is a very important thing that can really improve your life. Goals can encourage you to do things that you wouldn't normally do and then have a better impact on your life and the people around you!

