Why We Started to Build Your House Club

Building a cohort-based community in public has been tough — but extremely rewarding.

Jessie van Breugel
Better Entrepreneur


Photo by Di on Unsplash

I took Twitter seriously again in October 2020.

Honestly, I thought the platform was dead besides news, political banter, and celebrities. It’s hard to remember a time I was more wrong. My account was created in 2011, so dusty as hell. I had no idea what kind of opportunities were available to me.

I had no idea where to start as my follower count was marginal. Little did I know that I would be making strong friendships from all over the world in a matter of weeks. That’s been the most rewarding experience for me. The number of relationships, exciting projects, and ways to learn became limitless.

My eyes grew to realize how connected this world of the internet could be.

One of the first people I spoke to on a video call, was John Paul Hernandez from Miami. I realized that he was a great writer and communicator with a knack for personal branding. We clicked right away.

A few months later, we decided to host a few Twitter Spaces. We noticed a big need for people to get feedback on their Twitter profiles; their bio, banner, pinned tweet, and other components. So we threw out a simple proposal: we would give live…



Jessie van Breugel
Better Entrepreneur

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