Better Experience #15: Building A Reminder to Reduce Waste.⏰🗑♻

A strategy to build an Eco-Friendly Citizen.

Reza Radityo
Better Experience Design
6 min readMar 21, 2019


Photo by Gary Chan on Unsplash

Better Experience Design is a collection of arbitrary encounters with everyday things that have given us either delightful or stressful experience.

I love walking a lot and walking always helped me cope with my daily hustle and busy mind cause it’s calming and help me to clear out my mind, but One day during the weekend I went for a walk to explore the city and I found myself in an area where the scent smell unpleasant and I found this trash were scattered around the path that I was exploring,then My step stop at one point as the smell of the unpleasant start to overpower my sense of smell,I try to look around and I was astonished by what I found. An Enormous Pile of Trash in Landfill. I stop and think for a moment. and I thought to myself “What have we done?” I question Humanity at this point. Sorry Humanity.

Weirdly enough the scene of trash spilling all over the landfill gave me a sense of clarity to resolve this issue.

Me getting enlightened.

So question started popping up in my mind — How can we be better? How can we be more Eco-Friendly toward our environment? How can we be environmentalist without us noticing it? How can we reduce this Mountain of trash? How can we be reminded that we need to reduce our waste? the last question Blew me even harder. A REMINDER TO REDUCE OUR WASTE.

Mind Blown. Intensified.

Without further ado In this article, we are going to discuss how can we help to reduce and control our waste by getting reminded.

1. What Is it and what is the purpose?

As a social being we consume and produce, and often the things we produce will turn to waste — e.g Plastic waste, and Industrial Waste. in the end, the waste that we produce will either get recycled or end up in a landfill.

A landfill is a big open field where waste will end up and get Pileup and this is the common way we treat our waste — and this methodology has still been in used in many places in the world. (source)

Bantargebang Landfill (Source)

2. Why/ When I did use it?

Well Technically the City Cleaner who take these Trash into a landfill, But since I also throw a waste then I’m also responsible for this.

the city cleaner will take out the trash out in every area in the city once all the trash has been collected they process the waste to separate which are Material that can be recycled or non-recycled.

Afterward, the non-recycled waste will be taken out into a Landfill where it gets Pileup and seat there waiting for it to be decomposed.


City Cleaner / The Orange Troops (Source)

3. Was It a delightful or stressful experience? Why?

It was very delightful at first I feel Happy knowing that I threw my Trash into a Trashbin instead of littering all over the place. It feels like I’m contributing something to this society. That’s it up to that point only I feel Happy and satisfy with my action.

Visual representation on how happy I’m throwing my trash in a right place.

But wait something is missing? — this is when the stressful thoughts kick in I never knew if too much were too much, I never knew How My portion of trash could affect the environment, I never knew if I’m reducing the Pile of Trash in Landfill or not. There’s nothing tangible to validate if my action were right or wrong. — We were never getting reminded that we have produced so much waste.

Visual representation of how stressful can it get.

Therefore it leads us being blind by the fact that we produce to much trash sometimes, and how it has the effect toward the environment and the cleanliness of this city as well and lastly the piling up of trash mountain in landfill.— although the city cleaner regularly taking out our trash in every corner of the city.

4. Can it be better?

Surely it can, we human love getting reminded or notify about something and of course, We might love to know and notify that our action has impacted the society and the cleanliness of the city alone in a good way.

And also we love something that we can see and analyze, it just the nature of us to feel better about something that we knew and familiar with and take action with it — Which In this case getting reminded to reduce our waste.

Billboard of Weather Forecast (Source)
Mobile Weather Forecast (Source)

So what if we get reminded about the weather?

well since we know the condition of our weather we might carry on action toward it for example, if the weather forecast told us there’s a possibility of rain today we might be prepared ourselves with umbrella or raincoat to deal with the possibility of rain.

So What it has to do with the waste and the Cleanliness?

Well, I’m Suggesting that we also have to get reminded about the waste we produced and about the city cleanliness as well and maybe waste management should also be displayed and visible as the weather got displayed and informed to the public, therefore we might start to be more responsible and aware with our waste and might help to reduce a pile of waste in a landfill and also help to keep our city clean and keep the sustainability of our Environment.

Mockup Example Of Waste Management Display in Public.

Hopefully, with this Public Display Addition in our city, it might help for people to start being aware of the waste that is being produced every day. and start taking action toward it. Just like how we prepare an umbrella for the rainy day.

5. What do you think?

We think this strategy could help society build awareness of the thing they might be unaware — Which in this case is Waste. What do you think?

Let us know in the comments if you have any idea about how to make it even better and let’s discuss 😆

Thanks for reading! If you have any idea about what we should cover next, you can comment below / send us an email: !

Better Experience Design is a collection of arbitrary encounters with everyday things that have given us either delightful or stressful experience.



Reza Radityo
Better Experience Design

Experience Designer & Self proclaimed Writer / Residing In Yogyakarta.