Better Experience #14: Quick Shopping in an unfamiliar supermarket🛒📍🏬

Reza Radityo
Better Experience Design
4 min readMar 15, 2019

Small details to help you Shop Quicker in a new Supermarket — Simple right?

Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash

Better Experience Design is a collection of arbitrary encounters with everyday things that have given us either delightful or stressful experience.

One day I went to this new Supermarket and I had a plan for the things I wanted to buy beforehand, I wanna be there fast and only buy the things I had planned on. To my surprise, it really took me quite a while to gather the things I needed — I have to go from one section to another just to find exactly what I need since I feel very unfamiliar with this new Supermarket.

Long story short, I got lost and confused to find the things I want (and to find the exit). Scary right?

Well In this article, we’re going to discuss how we can provide a better experience that might help people shop in an unfamiliar Supermarket.

This is me when I got lost in Supermarket

1. What is it and what is the purpose?

A Supermarket is a place where usually people buy all kinds of things for their daily needs well you know it. or as Wikipedia explained it.

is a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food, beverages and household products, organized into sections and shelves. It is larger and has a wider selection than earlier grocery stores, but is smaller and more limited in the range of merchandise than a hypermarket or big-box market.

2. Why/When did I use it?

I went to the supermarket at least once a month, usually to shop for my monthly needs where I usually get food and beverages a lot — Cause I Love food. then I will get myself some bathroom items for my personal hygiene in case I ran out bathroom supplies that month. But buying food and beverages is a must.

3. Was it a delightful or stressful experience? Why?

Well, It’s mildly stressful since I’m not very familiar with this new supermarket and it took me a while to look for the things I want. But it was also mildly delightfull cause somehow this supermarket has some very tight catchy-tune to enjoy! And for sure it makes me stamp my feet and mildly dancing!

Me Dancing to the tunes.

Alright Back to the topic!

Well, my friends, I have a few reasons why a new supermarket could trigger stressful experiences :

  • Product Placement is Vary from a supermarket to another supermarket You may feel confused as you enter to an unfamiliar supermarket to find your needs and at the end, you’ll ask the staff to find it.
  • It will take time to for yourself to familiarize with the sections — Which in this case you wanted to shop quickly.
  • Not knowing when was the supermarket at is peak hour so you need to queue your way out to the cashier — This might happen sometimes

4. Can it be better?

Definitely yes! This is how I might add a little detail that might help to give a Better Experience :

Attaching a Supermarket Map into a Trolley

Supermarket Trolley in Sweden (Source)

As we can see above by Attaching map into a trolley it could possibly eradicate confusion as we walk into a new supermarket to shop, Detailing every section Placement in Map can help us better understand where to get our stuff it will lessen the mental load that we need to deal during entering a new supermarket to shop.

With this Map Attached, I hope we all will get the smoothest shopping experience that we all deserve and of course some — Supermarket catchy tune to accompany our shopping session.

Me Dancing to the solution.

5. What do you think?

We think this might be the best experience to shop quickly in a new supermarket.

Let us know in the comments if you have any idea about how to make it even better and let’s discuss 😆

Thanks for reading! If you have any idea about what we should cover next, you can comment below / send us an email: !

Better Experience Design is a collection of arbitrary encounters with everyday things that have given us either delightful or stressful experience.



Reza Radityo
Better Experience Design

Experience Designer & Self proclaimed Writer / Residing In Yogyakarta.