Better Experience #4: Building a better trash bin 🗑♻

Small details that could save our earth

Ryan Handy Priyadma
Better Experience Design
3 min readDec 7, 2018


Better Experience Design is a collection of arbitrary encounters with everyday things that have given us either delightful or stressful experience.

1. What is it and what is the purpose?

I have been frequently frustrated when I need to throw my rubbish in a bin, but I have no idea which the correct bin for my rubbish.

In recent years, you can easily find the trash bin with a separate section for recycling products. And even in developed countries, they also have a separate trash bin for glass, paper, and compost.

The aim of those separated trash bins is for waste sorting, which is means dividing waste into dry and wet. Dry waste includes wood and related products, metals and glass. Wet waste typically refers to organic waste usually generated by eating establishments and are heavy due to dampness. Waste can also be segregated on the basis of being biodegradable or non-biodegradable (source).

different types of trash bin (source)

2. Why/When did I use it?

This trash bin is essential in our daily life, and you need it to (responsibly) throw your rubbish or waste in the correct belonged place.

And these things will always available in a public place and waiting to be filled by your waste.

3. Was it a delightful or stressful experience? Why?

When the trash bin is not separated into different sections or can accept all types of waste, should be no problem, people will easily throw their rubbish directly into the bin without thinking.

The problem is whenever you find a trash bin with separate sections, most people do not understand the difference.

what’s the difference? (source)

4. Can it be better?

Definitely! Here is how I would make the experience better:

The easiest way to solve it, just put the example of a picture to indicate which rubbish belonged to the trash can

Better trash bin with indicator image (source)

and the better way is, to create a trash bin with counter tops with a specific hole and constraints to limit the shape of the rubbish that can jump in.

Trash bin with specific holes (source)

5. What do you think?

We think this might make a better experience of a using a trash bin and save the planet at the same time.

Let us know in the comments if you have any idea about how to make it even better and let’s discuss 😆

Thanks for reading! If you have any idea about what we should cover next, you can comment below / send us an email: !

Better Experience Design is a collection of arbitrary encounters with everyday things that have given us either delightful or stressful experience.

