Introducing Better Fiction: A Place for Fiction Writers

Guidelines and call for submissions

AbdulElah (Abi)
Better Fiction


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Why I started Better Fiction

I’ll be honest, growing up, I was never a fan of fiction. In fact, I was never that big on reading, period. My teenage years were all about gaming with friends.

Then, I entered my twenties and began my emotional healing journey and as I searched for answers, reading became my best friend. At one point, reading was my only friend when social anxiety was at its peak. I consumed a tremendous amount of non-fiction content under the genres of self-help, spirituality, mindfulness, and mental health.

I began writing in my late twenties in the form of personal essays, reflections, and poems. Nothing consistent, just followed my whims and poured my heart out.

The writing process was healing in many ways albeit written from the limited lens of my own identity and problems. For this reason, I frequently felt I was stuck in a mental loop, playing the same poor-me story.

Fast forward half a decade, and I have slowly discovered that fiction, too, can heal.

There’s a magic of being drawn into the world of someone else. Fictional stories have the power to make us forget ourselves and our problems. They…



AbdulElah (Abi)
Better Fiction

Productivity. Spirituality. Health. Self-Improvement. Fiction. Personal Essays (Email: IG: seeking_abi)