5 Reasons why Nerds are Cool

Better Habits
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2023

And why we should be more like them

Photo by Joe Ciciarelli on Unsplash

When I was younger, terms like “nerd” and “geek” were considered derogatory. People used them to describe the least cool, least popular people in class. Who remembers Winston from ‘Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”? What about Screech from ‘Saved by the Bell”? They were likeable and endearing. Yet, people mocked and laughed at them for their nerdiness.

While this still occurs on TV, it appears that there has been a shift in the real world, with nerds being judged less negatively. Maybe because:

. Technological developments have created big, lucrative industries that nerds can thrive in.

. Nerdy pastimes (Marvel movies) and hobbies (board games, video games) are becoming mainstream. or, at the least, are gaining popularity.

. I grew up and joined an age group that’s generally more mature and accepting. There is a chance that in schools today the same judgements are being made.

There is some truth to this though, and it’s a good thing.

Here’s why…

1. Nerds like things.

Yes, liking things is cool!

People who have a solid set of hobbies and passions are cooler. This is because what people like and do makes them more interesting.

Also, those who have very few interests are, at least on average, less interesting.

Ask somebody what they like and enjoy, and see what they say.

People who are interesting give us a list of varied interests. Or even better, their eyes light up and they go on to explain something they love.

People who like things are bursting to share them, and that’s great to see.

2. Nerds do things (and often do them well).

Another hot take…doing things is cool!

Nerds meet up, in person or online, and do things. They have that weekly board game session, which they look forward to. They like it, it makes them happy. I can speak from personal experience when I say that the lowest points in my life were when I wasn’t doing anything. I didn’t have anything to enjoy.

People with nerdy tendencies don’t just like traditionally nerdy hobbies. I have met many geek-types in China, and they are fun to be around. They have a lot of good things to talk about, and they are smart people.

Even still, they often like a drink and a good time.

Since I’ve been traveling Southeast Asia, most of the people I’ve met have had some geeky tendencies. These people love to travel and experience new things.

They want to check out that temple or that event.

They want to take in nature and feel connected with the world.

They want to live without the burden of traditional notions of what is ‘cool’.

3. Nerds get deep into things.

The nerd-approach to hobbies is to optimize and delve deep into every aspect of the thing that they are doing. They got lost in their favorite MMORPG, fantasy world, or video game.

Some are getting into the deep, detailed lore of the ASOIAF universe. You get more from it than from watching the Game of Thrones shows alone.

Or they play Fallout. They won’t only follow the main storyline, but also take the time to look through the detailed world and the many stories it tells.

When they listen to music, they are aware of the band’s history.

Also, who makes these rich landscapes of entertainment and interest for us to explore? Nerds!

4. Nerds enjoy things more.

This follows on from the previous…

It could be anything, but the point is this…

By going deep into something, like nerds often do, they get more enjoyment from it. For example, they gain a better understanding of the nuanced characters in a TV show.

They do it because they want to learn, and learning in more detail gives them more pleasure.

There is nothing more cool than taking immense pleasure from learning things. No outfit, car, or night out drinking beats this.

5. Nerds care less about symbols and signifiers.

This is an important one.

I was very guilty of this when I was younger, and I am glad it changed.

They don’t define themselves based on what they wear, or how much they have in their bank.

And most don’t judge others by these arbitrary metrics. Appealing to the ideal of wealth, status, or traditional masculinity or femininity is silly. Excessive focus on our image and how we are viewed by others is not cool.

You know what is cool?


