Follow The Insanely Easy Compound Effect for a Fascinating Life!

Daniel Horton
Better Habits
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2023


I was speaking with a fellow author, JonInAisa, and the book the compound effect by Darren Hardy was referenced. I had never read it, yet it relates to the topics I’ve been writing about lately. The book was published in 2012 and highlighted the power of small, consistent habits in creating significant change over time.

By Jesse Bowser on

Hardy’s approach emphasizes adopting positive habits and eliminating negative ones to achieve personal and professional success. This idea of the “compound effect” is based on the principle that small actions accumulate to produce substantial results over time.

“The compound effect is the strategy of reaping huge rewards from small, seemingly insignificant actions.” — Darren Hardy

In addition to Hardy’s insights, this principle is also evident in the “One Percent Solution” proposed by Alan Weiss. This concept suggests that improving by just 1% daily can produce remarkable results. This idea of small, consistent improvement is also reflected in “atomic habits,” which emphasize making tiny changes in behavior that eventually lead to significant improvements in overall outcomes.

Hardy recommends setting specific and attainable goals and breaking down larger goals into manageable steps. He also stresses the importance of accountability, as tracking progress and holding oneself accountable can increase the chances of sticking to new habits. He also highlights the impact of surrounding oneself with positive and avoiding negative influences.

“you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” — Jim Rohn

This principle of small actions accumulating to produce substantial results over time is not limited to personal and professional development. It can also be seen in areas such as investing, where compounding investment returns through consistent, small contributions over time can lead to substantial wealth creation. Similarly, in health and wellness, making small changes in diet and exercise habits can substantially improve overall health over time. The same holds true for environmental sustainability, where small actions such as reducing water usage or recycling can accumulate to have a substantial impact on the environment over time.

The law of compounding works for everything — for good and for bad. Choose wisely.” — Mark Victor Hansen

In conclusion, The Compound Effect and the One Percent Solution emphasize the power of small, consistent actions in creating lasting change. Whether through the “compound effect,” the “One Percent Solution,” or the concept of atomic habits, the key to achieving personal and professional growth is to make consistent, deliberate behavioral changes. By focusing on tiny daily improvements and surrounding oneself with positive influences, individuals can develop the habits and mindset necessary for success.



Daniel Horton
Better Habits

Technology leader, passionate about empowering others in their journey to success. Sharing insights on technology, leadership, innovation, and personal growth.