How I am going to write all my Medium articles in 15 minutes

Better Habits
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2022

And why it’s optimal to do so.

Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

As a new Medium writer, I am aware that I am far from the finished article. To get where I want to be, I will have to level up my:

. My understanding of what Medium/readers want

. My ability to come up with compelling content

. My writing technique

One thing I do not expect to change is my writing method.

It is simple. I write a bullet point plan once I have all the information I need, word sprint it as fast as possible, and then edit it. When I say sprint, I mean, 100 mph, Take no notice of the general mess that is being produced before my eyes.

At full pace and without distractions, I can write 1000 words in a 15-minute session. Efficient right! Don’t get me wrong, it is far from publishable at this stage, and as I’m writing this now in a word sprint, trust me, it’s a mess.

It’s now in the editing stage, and it’s amusing to see how much of a mess it is. It makes me wonder what the first drafts of some of the great works out there would have looked like.

This is fine, because it’s useful to understand the difference between the writer and the editor.

The Editor and the Writer:

These are two completely different mindsets. When they coexist, it makes the process much longer. The editor must focus on every character, on the grammar, and on how the piece sounds. The editor is a slow-moving and observant perfectionist.

The writer is a doer who should want to get things done and get the words on paper. That’s their job, and that’s all they should do, write.

If we don’t embrace it one step at a time, it will make the process longer, less smooth, and less enjoyable.

If we write in editor mode, it will take so long because we are tripping over every typo or slight error. The editor’s anxiety will have us breaking flow to correct errors.

If the editor is in writer mode, it will make us bored and impatient. Either we will rush the process and not edit, or it will make it a much less enjoyable process.

The reason why we should ditch the editor while we are writing is because we are going to edit and proofread once we finish.

I am enjoying the early stages of my Medium journey, and it’s down to this process. This process is going to increase my productivity and article production .

The writing stage should be a sprint to get the words on the page before handing it over to the editor to polish.

