
Experience a life full of opportunities 

Enjoy the new and exciting professional community, Acopio

2 min readOct 28, 2013


We encounter many opportunities in our lives but we do not recognize it. A single good opportunity can change someone’s life and we often do not know how to find it or where to start it, but the answer is simple. Opportunities are all around us and people are the opportunities.

Professional network can be very important and tangible assets when the one is connected/surrounded by right people. The right people means, people who shares similar ideas or passions or simply successful people.

Sharing knowledge and latest industry information with other professionals can be helpful in order for him or her to progress. Therefore, it is extremely important to extend professional network. According to Milton Berle, ‘If opportunities doesn’t knock, build a door’. Finding the right people is the key component of professional network and success.

Acopio’s main idea came up when we saw professionals could not extend their network in more realistic ways; such as barriers like locations, lack of interactions, and time.

We found a gap between job market networking and professional networking. This idea pushed us to create a new environment for people to extend professional relations.

We believe that professional network should be continuous process; not when one is looking for a job or just lost a job.

Even when the one has a stable career, professional networking can play a major role in his/her future success.

Acopio is a business social network, which it tries to connect all professionals around the world with real life interactions. Acopio offers a complete package to its users so that the users can stay active within this dynamic platform with various professional activities. ‘Event’ is one of the newly added features that people can participate in events with like-minded people based on location(s) you are in.

A long story short, Acopio can offer tremendous opportunities for your professional networking experience. Enjoy this new and exciting professional community and ‘experience a life with full of opportunities’ with Acopio.





Acopio is a new and exciting online community for extending your professional network based on your location. www.acop.io and download the app at https://itunes